Just the other day we received our Sigma dp1 Quattro. After my positive experiences with the dp2 Quattro I was very much looking forward to try out the wider version. On the Merrill series it was the dp2 that I liked the least. When walking around with the dp2 I often found myself longing for a wider angle. For most close-up work and portraits the still to be released dp3 would of course be the camera of choice.
Unfortunately the weather at the moment is incredibly grey. I hope the air will soon clear a little so that I can have some quality time with the dp1. As a first impression I am seeing that the camera has a very similar color response as the dp2 has. Something which was not really the case with the Merrill series and frankly drove me crazy.
Please everybody, send some good vibes to the weather gods here. I hope to report soon with my findings of the Sigma dp1 Quattro.
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As I am enjoying the DP3m I am contemplating getting the DP1m to go with it. I still like the look of the merrill files, and with the price now so cheap I can’t see why not, of course eagerly anticipating the reviews of the DP1 quattro as I could be swayed to go in that direction too. At this moment i’m still not convinced on the quattro sensor, not sure if that the execution of the SPP software not getting the best from the technology. I actually do like the shape of the quatrros but at times I can see that body might draw attention when I just want to take photos … so yes very much looking forward to your assessment of this camera in action.