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13 thoughts on “About X3 magazine”

  1. X3 is a great idea. Too often I feel like a loan wolf baying at the moon in preaching the virtues of the Foveon sensor. Your photos show what this sensor can do.


  2. Hi, thanks for a great site – as a long time Sigma user it’s great to see what you’re doing and showcasing what foveon is all about.

    Not sure if this is the best place, so feel free to delete this comment, but I couldn’t find any other way to contact you – the link to your rss feed doesn’t seem to work. It’s just a simple case some additional characters in the link address that shouldn’t be there, so I was able to work out what it should be – but I thought I’d just let you know.

    Thanks again for a great site – keep up the good work,


  3. Bob & Olga,
    Thanks for putting this together to showcase what the Foveon thing is all about! I think you are on to something great, a central place to showcase all the great stuff being done with X3.
    Hillsboro, Oregon

  4. Good Day Bob
    My name is William C. Waterbury Jr.(Bill) I am and have been a commercial photographer for the past 40 years,(god has it really been that long), in Chicago IL. For my personal and sometimes professional use, I have and still use a Sigma SD9, SD10, and SD14, Last summer my wife and I went on a cross country motorcycle trip along the legendary Route 66, from Navy Pier on Lake Michigan in Chicago all the way to Santa Monica Pier in California. Along the way we spent the day at Lowell Davis’ Red Oak II Missoura a rebuilt town from Mr. Davis memory. Shot entirely on a Sigma SD14. Wondered if you might be interested in the essay for your publication?
    Thanks for your time and trouble
    Bill Waterbury

  5. Good Day Bob
    My name is William C. Waterbury Jr.(Bill) I am and have been a commercial photographer for the past 40 years,(god has it really been that long), in Chicago IL. For my personal and sometimes professional use, I have and still use a Sigma SD9, SD10, and SD14, Last summer my wife and I went on a cross country motorcycle trip along the legendary Route 66, from Navy Pier on Lake Michigan in Chicago all the way to Santa Monica Pier in California. Along the way we spent the day at Lowell Davis’ Red Oak II Missoura a rebuilt town from Mr. Davis memory. Shot entirely on a Sigma SD14. Wondered if you might be interested in the essay for your publication?
    Thanks for your time and trouble
    Bill Waterbury


  6. Hi Bob,

    I just came across your website. Wonderful and thank you 🙂 If I can contribute let me know. I am no photographer, just an advance enthusiast.


  7. Hello Bob, Olga

    Congratulations on the extension of family!

    A Question; is it possible to add a RSS/Feed for this site?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Ronald, thanks!!!
      The feed is there, just didn’t feature it prominently. It’s a good idea to put it there. The feed should be available at

  8. Dear Bob and Olga, every time I visit your site, I’m exposed (scuse the pun) to refreshing examples of how site design should be a continuing evolution of presentation. Every time I think, “wow”, and then on the next visit, it’s even better. Beautiful!

    Oh. and hello from down under, where we are in the middle of our annual winter months.

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